Launch of the open innovation call at 4YFN – MWC

March 21st, 2024

Last February, Barcelona once again became the center of the world for comm unication,  technology, and innovation by hosting the Mobile World Congress, recognized as one of the  most prominent events worldwide in these fields. Thousands of companies and individuals  gathered to witness the latest innovations and trends in various sectors. 

Within this large event lies 4YFN (Four Years From Now), a space dedicated to the global  entrepreneurial ecosystem. This has been the ideal setting for the launch of the open  innovation call in gynaecological cancer by the e-llas Hub, taking advantage of the synergies  and opportunities offered by such a large-scale gathering. 

Within this framework, two roundtable discussions organized by GSK have served as a platform  to present and analyse challenges and opportunities in the field of gynaecological cancer,  with special attention to two challenges: achieving earlier diagnosis and offering patients integrated  support throughout the course of the pathology. 

In these dialogues, collaborative partners from various disciplines have exchanged ideas on  how to improve the disease process, from both clinical and holistic perspectives.

The clinical diagnostic process

During the first panel discussion, the challenge of achieving earlier diagnosis of  gynaecological cancer, especially ovarian cancer, has been addressed, highlighting the main  obstacles perceived from the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals. 

Gabriela Ginella, representing ASACO, emphasized the lack of information and awareness among both patients and in the medical field. According to Gabriela, “the most relevant aspect is to  increase visibility and knowledge about gynaecological cancer, specifically ovarian cancer,” and  urged for greater dissemination of information about this disease to involve new stakeholders in its  approach. 

Dr. Carmen Marq ués, Medical Director of GEICO, highlighted the importance of research and  the participation of diagnosed patients in clinical trials to develop more effective detection methods  that allow us to anticipate the disease. From the same clinical perspective, Dr. Ainhoa Madariaga,  an oncology specialist at Hospital 12 de Octubre, emphasized the need to collaborate with  patients in the search for these improvements, because an oncologist and a gynaecologist alone  will not solve this.”

This discussion highlighted the crucial role of technology in improving the diagnostic process.  Micaela Martelli, Director of the Health Vertical at Telefónica, emphasized the company’s  commitment to early detection projects of various pathologies, emphasizing that “what is bringing  a revolution in this field is Artificial Intelligence, as it allows us to see patterns that humans cannot  identify.”. From the implementation of biomarkers to the use of AI in imaging diagnosis, and the  creation of digital tools to promote healthy lifestyles, various strategies have been identified that  offer a promising horizon for achieving a faster and more accurate diagnosis of gynaecological cancer. 

Comprehensive patient support

In the second roundtable, the focus was on comprehensive support for patients diagnosed with  gynaecological cancer, exploring aspects such as nutrition, physical exercise, fertility,  sexuality, and mental health. 

In this debate, Javier Campion, Coordinator of the Health Department at BCC Innovation,  and Alfonso Arroyo, Assistant to the President of GO fit, emphasized the importance of  n utrition and exercise in cancer prevention and management, as well as the lack of resources  available to patients. During the discussion, Campion and Arroyo shared details about several  ongoing projects, from personalized nutrition plans to sports programs designed to counteract the  isolation due to the disease. BCC Innovation also announced the upcoming launch, in 2024, of a  personalized gastronomy initiative for gynaecological cancer. 

From the patients’ perspective, Marcelo Ruz, Secretary of AMOH, highlighted the importance of  providing clear, concise, and reliable information to newly diagnosed patients. Ruz underscored the  importance of understanding what type of information should be provided and when,  emphasizing the fundamental role of healthcare professionals as a source of guidance and support: Doctors often do not have enough time in consultation to address all aspects related to cancer,  which represents a significant challenge. The key is how to convey knowledge to patients through  doctors, who are their main references.

In the same vein, Dr. Daniel Mataró, Medical Director of Barcelona and CIRH of Eugin emphasized on the importance of providing patients with information about options to preserve  their fertility, in cases where possible. Dr. Mataró points out that patients must make these  decisions rapidly, even when they had never considered this issue before, highlighting the need to  offer them support, maintain open conversations, and provide clear information in this matter.  Mataró also warned that this issue often falls atthe bottom of patients’ priority lists, so it is essential  to provide visibility and address it properly.

Launch of the Open Innovation Initiative

Both roundtable discussions culminated with the presentation of the e-llas open innovation call, which aims to seek solutions that can improve the care process for gynaecological cancer. 

The meeting held within the framework of 4YFN – MWC has provided a space for reflection and  exchange of ideas on how to comprehensively address gynaecological cancer, from detection to  continuous support for patients. Now, with the momentum generated by the open innovation  initiative, it is expected that innovative solutions will emerge that contribute to improving the care and well-being of women affected by this disease.

For more information, contact your doctor.

NP-ES-AOU-WCNT-240006 (v1) 03/2024

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