1.1. The purpose of these rules (hereinafter, the “Rules”) is to govern participation in the open  innovation initiative of the e-llas hub (hereinafter, the “Initiative”). The Initiative aims to  attract entities proposing solutions to address at least one of the challenges detailed in  the Third section (hereinafter, the “Challenges”).

1.2. The specific objectives of the Initiative are as follows:

(i) Facilitate connections between GSK and relevant entities in the national and  international health and entrepreneurship ecosystem to foster alliances for the  development of value-added projects.

(ii) Promote innovation and collaboration in the health and entrepreneurship ecosystem  to generate solutions addressing the needs of patients with gynaecological cancers, encompassing clinical and health aspects such as psychology, nutrition, physical  activities, sexuality, fertility, and technology.

1.3. The Initiative is organized by GlaxoSmithKline, S.A., with registered office at c/ Severo  Ochoa, 2, Parque Tecnológico de Madrid, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) (hereinafter,  “GSK”).

1.4. GSK has collaborated with various entities, including companies, scientific societies,  cooperative groups, patient associations, and health professionals, who have contributed  their experience and resources to define and develop this Initiative. Among these  collaborators are the following (hereinafter, the “Collaborators”):

  • BCC Innovation (technological centre of the BasqueCulinary Center)
  • Eugin
  • GO fit
  • Sanitas
  • Telefónica
  • Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM)
  • Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer Ginecológico (GEICO)
  • Asociación Mama y Ovario Hereditario (AMOH)
  • Asociación de Afectados por Cáncer de Ovario (ASACO)

1.5. This document establishes the principles governing the process of participation and  selection of the best proposal capable of addressing at least one of the Challenges.


2.1. Candidates

2.1.1. Individuals and legal entities, including research centres, universities, spin-offs, startups,  and others with legal capacity to assume obligations, may participate in the Initiative,  provided they have correctly completed their application in accordance with the Fourth  section, presenting a solution to any of the Challenges, complying with all the  requirements indicated in these Rules (hereinafter, the “Candidates”).

2.1.2. Candidates who are in any of the following cases will not be able to participate in the  Initiative:

(i)  If the individual or the partners, directors, representatives and/or employees of the  legal entity are involved in a conflict of interest with GSK or any GSK Group company.  For these purposes, the definition of conflict of interest is as follows:

a. Kinship relationships up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity, including the  spouse or people with whom they maintain a similar emotional relationship with any  employee or manager of the GSK Group with the capacity to influence the result of  the Initiative. The term “Group” is defined as the legislative provisions outlined in Article  42 of the SpanishCommercial Code.

b. Relationships of intimate friendship or enmity with any employee or executive of any  of the companies within theGSK Group who have the ability to influence the outcome  of this Initiative.

c. Maintaining, or having maintained within the last two years, a professional, business, or  employment relationship with any of the companies within the GSK Group on a  personal basis (directly or indirectly) or through another entity owned and/or  controlled by the individual in question. This specifically includes cases where the  individual in question holds, directly or indirectly, a significant contribution in any  company within the GSK Group (such as stocks or shares). A significant contribution  is understood to be a stake of more than 30% and/or where the stake allows decision making authority.

(ii) If they do not have full ownership of the solution and/or do not have exclusive rights  to use the intellectual and industrial property rights in the context of the proposed  solution for the Challenge.

(iii) If they do not authorize or cannot authorize their solution to advance or be promoted  by GSK during the next stages of the Initiative, in order to negotiate and, if applicable,  sign, the collaboration agreement referred to in section 6.2. 

(iv) If they are, wholly or partially, owned or financed by any legal entity in the  pharmaceutical sector.

(v) If they are considered “large companies”, in accordance with Commission Regulation  (EU) No. 651/2014.

(vi) If they are in bankruptcy proceedings or meet any of the conditions for bankruptcy.

(vii) In the case of legal entities, if they are undergoing corporate restructuring (including  the acquisition by third parties of their share capital, in whole or in part, by another legal  entity), unless such corporate operation does not result in an effective change of  control.

2.1.3. GSK reserves the right to exclude any participant who, in its discretion, contravenes the  conditions stipulated in these Rules.

2.2. Solutions

2.2.1. Solutions proposed to address any of the Challenges must meet the following  requirements:

(i) They must have at least a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6, corresponding to  having a system or subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant  environment.

(ii) They must be based on original technologies that are exclusively owned by the  Candidate and are protected or in the process of obtaining intellectual and industrial  property rights.

(iii) They must be technologies that can be transferable or licensable.

2.2.2. Likewise, the proposed solutions must consider the following aspects in their value  proposition:

(i) They must fully or partially address any of the Challenges, providing differential value  to GSK through the application of innovative technologies. Solutions focusing  specifically on the field of gynaecological cancer will be prioritized, considering the  requirements and conditions established in the Third section for each Use Case  (hereinafter, the “Use Cases”). However, solutions not initially designed for  gynaecological cancer or for the context of the chosen Challenge are allowed,  provided they demonstrate the ability to adapt to the specific needs of this field.

(ii) They must be adapted or have the capacity to adapt to the Spanish regulatory  system.

(iii) They must have a high potential for growth and scalability within

2.2.3. Solutions falling into any of the following categories cannot be submitted:

(i) Non-patentable technologies, technologies in the public domain, or technologies  protected, in whole or in part, by third-party rights without the necessary  permissions from the Candidate.

(ii) Solutions that are offensive or degrading, or promote violence, racism, or violations of  fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized by applicable laws, and the  protection of children and young people, as well as those that constitute and/or imply  an invasion of personal or family privacy, or a violation of the law, the honour of others,  and/or the confidentiality of communications.

2.2.4. GSK shall exclude any proposed solution that violates any of the conditions specified in  these Rules, at its sole discretion.


3.1. GSK and the Collaborators aim to develop solutions to the Challenges outlined below as  part of the Initiative. Applications that provide solutions to any of the Challenges and  enhance any of the Use Cases specified for each Challenge will be gathered by the  Initiative.

3.1.2. Challenge 1: How might we achieve earlier diagnosis of gynaecological cancer to enhance the  management and prognosis of the disease?

(i) Use case 1: Diagnostic or screening methods, which offer benefits over current  techniques, such as faster results or less invasive techniques. It may be based on an in  vitro diagnosis, biomarker analysis, or other methods.

The solution must meet the following conditions:

a. Be aimed at healthcare professionals.

b. It must impact at least one of the following areas:

  1. Be less invasive, less painful or reduce the risk of complications compared to current techniques (biopsies and hysteroscopies).
  2. Reduce time to results.
  3. More precise and objective diagnoses.
  4. Provide data on tumour classification, which supports health professionals in  making therapeutic decisions.

(ii) Use case 2:Methods and/or tools for symptom analysis, triage, and/or pre-diagnosis,  speeding up referral to the appropriate specialist in cases where there is suspicion of  gynaecological cancer, promoting early diagnosis.

The solution must meet the following conditions:

a. Be aimed at health professionals and/or the general population.

b. It must impact at least one of the following areas:

  1. Analysis of symptoms that offer precise pre-diagnoses and/or  recommendations of the specialists to visit in each case.
  2. Predictive analysis of risk factors, which allows us to detect people with a greater  probability of developing gynaecological cancer.

3.2. Challenge 2: How might we provide comprehensive support to patients diagnosed with  gynaecological cancer to facilitate the disease’s journey?

(i) Use case 1: Accompaniment throughout the clinical process, reducing stress,  uncertainty, and/or doubts for patients and facilitating disease management for both  patients and healthcare professionals.

The solution must meet the following conditions:

a. Be aimed at healthcare professionals and/or patients.

b. It must impact at least one of the following areas:

  1. Provide information and resolve doubts, both about symptoms they may have  and the steps to follow, issues related to medical guidelines, among others.
  2. Advise on fertility alternatives and possibilities for each type of cancer and/or  treatment.
  3. Promote monitoring of symptoms, medical visits, medications, among others.

(ii) Use case 2: Emotional support during the oncological process and beyond treatment  concludes, thereby enhancing the accessibility of psychological support beyond the  existing resources offered by health centres.

The solution must meet the following conditions:

a. Be directed at patients and/or people around them.

b. The recommendations, exercises or guidelines must be personalized according to the  needs and typology of the patient (age, type of cancer, family environment,  socioeconomic level, among others).

c. Currently being or having the potential to be a digital therapy.

(iii) Use case 3: A collection of dependable, validated, and aggregated health habit  guidelines and resources that target areas where public centres may be deficient in  terms of resources throughout the oncological process. 

The solution must meet the following conditions:

a. Be directed to patients.

b. Contain audiovisual support to facilitate understanding of the information.

c. The information offered through the solution must have scientific support and must have, be in the process of obtaining or have the potential to obtain, validation by a prestigious scientific society. 


4.1. Candidates shall be registered via the official website Accessible on  this website is a Candidate Kit comprising a manual that provides comprehensive  information regarding the registration form prerequisites and procedural requirements  for engaging in the Initiative.

4.2. Candidates are required to submit an application registration form between February 28  and May 10th, 2024. The right to extend this deadline is reserved by GSK.

4.3. Candidates are required to provide truthful information during the registration process  for the Initiative. Those who provide data that is inaccurate or fraudulent (in whole or in  part) will be disqualified from participating.

4.4. When completing the registration form, the following must be taken into consideration:

(i) In the event that the Candidate has a single solution that addresses one or more Use  Cases of one of the Challenges or of the two Challenges, as described in the Third  section, a single registration must be submittedprovinga comprehensive explanation  of the solution and its implications for each of the proposed scenarios.

(ii) In the event that the Candidate has two or more solutions that impact different Use  Cases of the Challenges, as described in the Third section, a registration must be  submitted for each solution, providing an explanation of its impact on the specified  Use Case.  

4.5. Candidates can send any questions or queries to the following email address: [email protected].


5.1. In accordance with the provisions of the Second and Third sections, a pre-screening will  be performed on the proposed solutions that satisfy the selection criteria.

5.2. A multidisciplinary jury will review the submissions to the Initiative and select five finalists  to advance to the next phase of the process.

5.3. The jury will be composed of eight members, designated by the Collaborators, in the  subsequent manner:

  •  A representative of GSK 

    • A representative from each of the Collaborating companies (BCC Innovation, Eugin, GO fit, Sanitas and Telefónica).
    • A health professional designated by the GEICO and SEOM societies.
    • A woman who suffers or has suffered from gynaecological cancer and is a member of the AMOH and/or ASACO patient associations.’¡

It is noted that the vote of each member of the jury will have the same weight to make the  final decision on the winning solution.

5.4. Candidates will be evaluated primarily based on the following criteria:

(i) Team:Candidate’s ability to provide the necessary and qualified human resources for  the development of the solution’s pilot project.

(ii) Partnerships and financing: Candidate’s ability to provide the necessary and qualified  human resources for the development of the solution’s pilot project.

(iii) Collaboration with GSK: Nature of the collaboration they are willing to engage in with  GSK, which may include granting rights, assignment, or exclusive licensing of the  solution, among other collaboration agreements.

5.5. The presented solutions shall undergo a fundamental evaluation predicated on the  subsequent criteria, the specifics of which shall be determined in accordance with the  applicable Use Case:

(i) Adaptation to the challenges: Solutions with the ability to specifically address any of  the Challenges and meet the needs outlined by GSK will be prioritized. Solutions not  initially designed for gynaecological cancer or for the context of the chosen Challenge  must be submitted with a detailed proposal of how the solution will be modified,  adjusted, or customized to effectively apply and address the Challenge and the  conditions of the applicable Use Case. 

(ii) Impact: Ability to positively impact the health and well-being of patients with  gynaecological cancer. It will be valued that other actors benefit from the solution, such as health professionals, family members, health institutions and caregivers,  depending on the applicable Use Case.

(iii) Maturity: Degree of development, considering the Technology Readiness Levels  (TRL)1. Solutions with a higher degree of maturity will receive a higher score.

(iv) Innovation: Ability to differentiate from other solutions and add value through the  application of technologies that solve the Challenge.

(v) Manufacturing process: Feasibility, complexity, and scalability of the manufacturing  process. The efficiency and feasibility of bringing the solution to large-scale  production will be considered.

(vi) Usability: Simple and intuitive use of the tool. Ability of the solution to be easily  integrated into the daily work of healthcare professionals, into the daily life of patients  and, in general, into the daily routines of the solution’s users, as appropriate.

(vii) Personalization: Ability to adapt to the individual needs of each user, resulting in the  delivery of relevant information and the creation of personalized experiences that  respond to the specific characteristics and preferences of each user. Likewise, the  humanization of technologies based on NPL (natural language processing) or other  similar technologies will be considered.

(viii) Economic and financial viability: Financial projections, monetization strategies and  business models.

(ix) Scalability: Ability of the solution to scale to other therapeutic areas, expand  internationally and address the Challenge in a global context.

(x) Social responsibility: Considerations on sustainability during the development of the  solution and for its implementation, and on ethics in research.

5.6. The finalist Candidates will be notified and invited to a Pitch Day, during which they will  present their solutions to the jury. Based on this, the jury will select the winning solution for the Initiative.

5.7. To ensure impartiality in the selection process, should health professionals be among the  five finalists, the GSK representative on the jury will refrain from casting a vote in the final  selection of the the winning solution.


6.1. Three thousand euros (€3,000) will be awarded to the winning Candidate. This incentive is contingent upon the winning Candidate allocating the specified amount to  the development of the winning solution. Consequently, the Candidate agrees to provide  GSK, upon request, with evidence that the prize has been utilised effectively for the  aforementioned purpose.

6.2. Furthermore, the winning Candidate will have the opportunity to enterinto a negotiation  phase with GSK, wherein the nature of the partnership between the two parties will  be assessed in order to develop and commercialize the successful solution. Generally  speaking, the following will be implied by the collaboration in the event that the parties are  able to reach a consensus and the negotiations are successful:

a. On behalf of GSK:

  •  Provide additional funds for the development and commercialization of the winning  solution.

  • Offer guidance and support in aspects related to research, development and strategy within the pharmaceutical sector.

  • Act as a strategic connector within the framework of the Initiative, facilitating the interaction of the winner with public and private healthcare environments, such as health professionals, patients, research institutions, companies linked to the purpose  of the solution and other relevant actors in the sector. 

b. On behalf of the winning Candidate

  • Granting of rights, assignment, or license of the intellectual and industrial property  rights of the solution, in accordance with the provisions of the Eleventh section and  according to the terms of the collaboration agreement.

  • Provide your experience and technical and technological knowledge for the joint  development of the solution.

  • Collaborate with GSK to develop and refine the solution according to industry needs and standards.

6.3. GSK shall retain the prerogative to decline signing the collaboration agreement  referenced in section 6.2 prior to its effective execution.


7.1. The Candidates ensure that no content protected by the intellectual and/or industrial  property rights of a third party will be incorporated into the projects during their  execution. When Candidates utilise the intellectual property of third parties, they warrant  that they have obtained permission from those third parties to transmit and use the rights  in question. To support this claim, they are required to provide documentary evidence. The Candidates must guarantee that all projects and information submitted to this  Initiative are done so voluntarily and do not violate any third-party rights, including but not  limited to intellectual property and industrial property rights, patent rights, rights over  business or industrial secrets, confidentiality, and non-disclosure obligations. The  Candidates hereby release GSK and its subsidiaries from any liability pertaining to claims  of authorship, invention, or property exploitation concerning the material of the project  submitted for this initiative. Should any claim be made by a third party regarding the  purported infringement of their rights, resulting in damages or losses for GSK, the  company shall have the right to receive complete compensation from the Candidate.

7.2. By way of example, but not limited to, GSK reserves the right to disqualify Candidates in  the following cases:

(i) In the event that they falsify and/or hide any information relevant to the development of  the Initiative.

(ii) In the event that they present projects with viruses or other malicious components that  could damage, interfere with or violate the security of GSK ‘s computer and/or  technological systems.

7.3. Without prejudice to the foregoing, GSK will have the power to disqualify any Candidate  who, in its discretion, does not comply with any term or condition stipulated in the Rules.


8.1. During its participation in the Initiative and/or receipt and enjoyment of the acknowledgement, the  winning Candidate of the Initiative hereby grants GSK explicit permission to capture and  reproduce its image and brand (including the voice and name of the Candidate, an  individual, or the representative if the Candidate is a legal entity) in any manner (including  for public communication, exploitation, reproduction, publication, and transformation).

8.2. This authorization grants unrestricted access to the brand, name, image, and voice, and  where applicable, the brand itself, for promotional purposes across all media platforms, for  the duration of the rights and in perpetuity.

8.3. The authorizations granted in this section are provided without charge and in exchange  for nothing more than the delivery of the acknowledgement specified in the Sixth section to the  winning Candidate.


9.1. In light ofits dedication to upholding human rights, ensuring compliance with legislation, and  combating corruption, GSK requires that all legal entities and individuals with whom it  conducts business, including the Candidates, conduct their operations in adherence to  business ethics principles, transparent management practices, and strict adherence to  current legislation.

9.2. Candidates affirm their commitment to adhere to the stipulations established by GSK in  order to partake in the Initiative, uphold the GSK Code of Ethics, and refrain from any legal  transgressions.

9.3. Candidates are required to ensure that their applications do not contain any unlawful or  potentially infringing material that could compromise fundamental rights. Engaging in any  behaviour that violates the GSK Code of Ethics or the law will result in immediate  disqualification.


10.1. The Candidates acknowledge and consent to the processing of their personal data by  GSK in adherence to the stipulations outlined in these Rules, with specific reference to this  section. 

10.2. As the “data controller,” GSK is liable for the processing of personally identifiable  information.

10.3. In order to facilitate and oversee the Candidates’ involvement in this Initiative, their  personal information will be processed. The processing is justified on the grounds of the  contractual relationship that results from your involvement in this initiative.

10.4. The data will be retained for the duration required to oversee your involvement in the  Initiative and, thereafter, to resolve any potential legal obligations associated with it, and  solely for that purpose of liability management.

10.5. Participants to the Initiative, including Entrepreneur Capital SL, identified with CIF B 85053353, and companies collaborating with GSK that participate in the Initiative’s  organisation or administration may be granted access to your data.

10.6. Candidates may submit requests to the following email addresses for access to,  rectification of, or deletion of their personal data, limitation of its processing, opposition,  or portability of their data, as permitted by the General Data Protection Regulation:

10.7.  In the event of any violation of your rights, you may file a claim with the Spanish Data  Protection Agency, whose contact details appear on its website (

10.8. If the Candidate decides to provide the personal data of third parties, he/she undertakes,  under his/her sole responsibility, to have previously obtained their consent for their data  to be processed by GSK, having previously informed them of everything provided for in  Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.


11.1. Upon the declaration of the winning solution, GSK and the winning Candidate shall engage in  negotiations and, if deemed suitable, execute an agreement encompassing the final  provisions of the licence or transfer, the means by which the asset shall be utilised and/or  exploited, and the economic conditions. To ensure clarity, the selection of the winning solution does not obligate any of the involved parties to execute a legally binding contract.  However, should an agreement be reached, it must respect these Rules.

11.2. The contractual agreement should foresee the transfer or licencing of all intellectual and  industrial property rights pertaining to the proposed solution’s substance to GSK, which  GSK shall have the authority to transfer to third parties (such as Collaborators), insofar as  such rights are required for its execution. The winning Candidate becomes liable for the  calm enjoyment and enjoyment of said rights, subject to exploitation in any form or  medium, in accordance with the stipulations of the corresponding agreement.

11.3. In order to exploit the technologies utilized/developed for the winning solution of the  Initiative, the winning Candidate agrees to engage in good faith negotiations with GSK  regarding the terms of the licence and/or authorizations required to grant GSK access to  the Candidate’s intellectual or industrial property rights pertaining to those protectable  elements of its solution (including know-how). Similarly, the Candidate guarantees that it possesses all the requisite rights, authority, and titles to execute the transfer or licence  of the aforementioned rights, thereby assuring GSK of its unrestricted use and rightful  enjoyment of said rights and the entities upon which they are granted, without any  obligation or burden to that conclusion.

11.4. Candidates are permitted to utilise protectable elements from a third party only if they  procure the corresponding intellectual and/or industrial property rights in advance, in the  best interests of both themselves and GSK and its subsidiaries.

11.5. Once assigned or licensed, GSK may, on its own, through GSK Group companies, use,  exploit, and/or develop the winning solution. In the case of developments, GSK may  protect or register it through industrial or intellectual property rights or keep it secret.  Titles to industrial or intellectual property rights that may be requested will be registered  in the name of GSK or whoever it designates, and GSK, or whoever it authorizes, in the  places where it wishes to obtain protection on its behalf.

11.6. In the case of the remaining solutions not selected as winners, GSK shall respect the  intellectual and industrial property rights, which shall be owned by the respective Candidates.

11.7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that GSK has additional interest in  non-winning solution, this will be communicated to the Candidate that proposed it with the  aim of establishing a parallel agreement to this Initiative.


12.1. All information and documentation, including, but not limited to, commercial, financial, and  technical documentation and information, provided by the Candidates and by GSK in the  framework of the Initiative, directly or indirectly, whether orally, in writing, or through any  medium, including electronic, shall be considered confidential information (hereinafter, the  “Confidential Information”).

12.2. The Candidates and GSK mutually agree not to reproduce, publish, or disseminate the  Confidential Information and to use it solely within the scope of the activities that are the  subject of the Initiative.

12.3. Both GSK and the Candidates shall implement reasonable measures to ensure adherence  to the confidentiality obligations stipulated in this subsection.

12.4. Regardless of the outcome, the winning Candidate must execute an explicit  confidentiality agreement with GSK in order to proceed with negotiations.

12.5. Information shall not be deemed confidential if (i) it is or has become public knowledge by  any means without breaching the confidentiality obligations established in these Rules, or  (ii) it is independently developed by GSK or GSK Group companies without relying on  Confidential Information received from the Candidates.

12.6. GSK or the Candidates shall promptly notify the other party of any legal obligation to  disclose the Confidential Information, whether in whole or in part, so that the other party may take appropriate actions to mitigate or prevent any harm. Under all circumstances,  disclosure will be limited to the minimum amount of Confidential Information necessary to  satisfy the legal obligation.

12.7. In the event that personnel at their disposal fail to adhere to the confidentiality obligations,  both the Candidates and GSK shall be held liable for any resulting damages. This extends  to any individual or organisation that may subsequently be subcontracted to assist in the  Initiative.

12.8. The Candidates and GSK undertake to inform the persons who have access to the  Confidential Information of the existence and scope of this confidentiality obligation  assumed by participating in the Initiative.

12.9. The confidentiality obligation shall endure until the Confidential Information is or becomes  available to the public.


13.1. The winning Candidate (who then enters into a legally binding contract with GSK, if  applicable) and/or the Candidates with whom GSK indicates interest in jointly developing  a solution to the challenge (during the negotiations and for the duration of the contract’s  validity), shall not disclose or transfer their proprietary information to a third party nor  commercially exploit them with any entity other than GSK or GSK Group companies.

13.2. The above includes, but is not limited to, the fact that such Candidates may not  collaborate with third parties that could be considered direct or indirect competitors of  GSK.


14.1. These Rules will be published from the beginning of the Initiative and while it lasts, on the  following website:

14.2.These Rulesmay be modified, interrupted and/or cancelledif justified circumstances arise  that require it. Likewise, GSK reserves the right to declare all or any of the benefits void if  no solution presented meets the expected quality at the discretion of the jury. 

This will be made known to the Candidates, through the same means in which the Initiative  was communicated, exempting GSK from any obligation or financial compensation.

14.3. Participation in the Initiative implies the express and unreserved acceptance of these  Rules by the Candidates.

14.4. The Candidates undertake to accept and respect, in all terms, the decisions of the jury,  expressly waiving any claim regarding these decisions.

14.5. These Rules are published in Spanish and English. In the event of any discrepancy between  the two versions, the Spanish version shall prevail over the English one. 


15.1. The tentative dates to carry out the Initiative are as follows:

  • Between February 28 and May 5, 2024 – Reception of registration requests for the Initiative

  • Between April 22 and May 10, 2024 – Pre-filtering of proposals that meet the selection requirements

  • Between May 13 and May 31, 2024 – Evaluation of Candidates by the jury

  • Between June 3 and June 7, 2024 – Selection and communication of finalists

  • Between June 17 and June 21, 2024 – Session for the presentation of proposed solutions (Pitch Day)

  • Between June 24 and June 28, 2024 – Selection and communication of the winning solution

15.2. Changes to the scheduled calendar are subject to GSK’s discretion. Candidates involved  will be duly informed of the revised dates in the event of any modifications.


16.1. These Rules are governed by Spanish law.

16.2. In the event of a dispute, GSK and the Candidates for the Initiative voluntarily forfeit any  other applicable jurisdiction and submit to the common laws of Spain and the jurisdiction  of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Tres Cantos, Madrid.

NP-ES-AOU-WCNT-240002 (v2) 02/2024

[1] To determine the maturity level, the following TRLs will be considered: 

  • TRL 6 – Engineering/pilot scale, validation of similar system in a relevant environment: Significant advance that  demonstrates the maturity of a technology. Example: testing a prototype system at engineering scale with a range  of simulators. Development as an operating system begins.
  • TRL 7 – Similar Large-Scale System: Requires the demonstration of a real system prototype in a relevant  environment. Example: testing large-scale prototypes under operational conditions.
  • TRL 8 – Actual system completed and qualified: It is demonstrated that the technology has worked in its final form  and under the expected conditions. It represents the end of true system development incorporating a commercial  design.
  • TRL 9 – Full scale ready-to-use system: It has reached its final form operating under a wide range of conditions.  Example: Using the real system with the full range of hot states and situations.