Solutions that Transform Cancer into Hope

June 6th 2024

After launching the call for our open innovation initiative in February during the 4YFN event and following the registration phase of the program, the application submission period closed on May 10.

During this period, we received a total of 27 proposals: 10 for the first challenge and 17 for the second challenge.

The submitted solutions aim to address two major challenges and their use cases, which were defined during the research phase:

Challenge 1: How might we achieve earlier diagnosis of gynaecological cancer to enhance the management and prognosis of the disease?

  • Use Case 1: Diagnostic  techniques
  • Use Case 2: Analysis and referral tools


Challenge 2: How might we provide comprehensive support to patients diagnosed with gynaecological cancer to facilitate the disease’s journey

  • Use Case 1: Support in the clinical process
  • Use Case 2: Emotional support
  • Use Case 3: Cross-support


Of the total proposals for the first challenge, 60% responded to the use case of diagnostic or screening techniques. In the second challenge, 41% of the solutions focused on support in the clinical process, 29% on emotional support, and 12% addressed all three use cases.

In terms of geography, 15 of the proposals are from Spain, and the remaining 12 are international.

Some of these proposals are specifically focused on gynecological cancer, while others address the oncological process more generally but can be specifically adapted for this type of tumor.

In terms of technological innovation, the first challenge stands out for a strong focus on advanced technologies: 50% of the solutions involve artificial intelligence or chatbots, 40% in vitro techniques and biomarkers, and 10% image processing and parameter reading in images. For the second challenge, the solutions focus on software, applications, and information technologies, highlighting the relevance of digital tools for patient support.

The next step is the evaluation of the submitted solutions by our jury, made up of GSK and our partners from BCC Innovation Center, Eugin, GO fit, Sanitas, Telefonica, SEOM, GEICO, ASACO, and AMOH. This process will culminate with the selection of the finalists, who will be announced on June 24, and will be able to present their solutions at the Pitch Day on July 8 at GSK’s offices in Madrid.

From our e-llas innovation hub, we thank all the companies and startups that have participated in this initiative, for taking on the challenges and being part of our purpose to transform cancer into hope together.

We also thank our jury for their commitment, especially during these weeks of evaluation.

For more information, contact your doctor.

NP-ES-AOU-WCNT-240012 (v1) 06/2024

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