The e-llas Innovation Hub has a Winning Solution!

July 9th 2024

On July 8th, after an exciting day of presentations at GSK’s headquarters in Madrid, the winning solution of the e-llas innovation hub was announced! At the end of the session and after deliberation by the jury members composed of the hub’s partners, the winning solution chosen was:

WomEC by MiMARK!

WomEC is an IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic) for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer through the quantification of protein biomarkers in uterine fluid, offering objective and precise detection without invasive interventions.

During this Pitch Day, five finalist companies presented their solutions to address the challenges posed in the hub.

The two identified challenges and their respective finalists were:

Challenge 1:
How could we achieve earlier diagnosis of gynecological cancer to improve disease management and prognosis?
  • Akrivis (United States)
  •  WomEC (Spain) 
Challenge 2:
How could we provide comprehensive support to patients diagnosed with gynecological cancer to facilitate the disease process?
  • Women in Motion (Spain) 
  • 10mets (Spain) 
  • Mika (Germany) 

In total, 27 proposals were received during the registration phase: 10 for the early diagnosis challenge and 17 for comprehensive patient support. After a rigorous evaluation based on criteria such as challenge relevance, feasibility, impact, and scalability, five finalists were selected to present their solutions before a jury composed of the hub’s innovation partners.

Sergio Ostalé, Director of the Oncohematology area at GSK Spain, expressed that the e-llas project "was born to transform cancer into hope, listening to patients and seeking solutions that positively impact their quality of life."

Marina Rigau, CEO and co-founder of MiMARK, celebrated this recognition as a crucial step towards collaboration in open innovation, highlighting the potential of WomEC as a diagnostic test based on gynecological fluid, which she considers "the new liquid biopsy in gynecology."

The e-llas initiative has comprised two fundamental phases: listening to and understanding the daily realities of patients, followed by an in-depth analysis of the identified challenges. With the collaboration of our partners, composed of patient associations, experts in nutrition, sports, sexuality, technology, and healthcare professionals, we have worked to define the challenges and needs of patients and healthcare professionals while simultaneously generating knowledge, strategic alliances, and value-added services.

From e-llas, we want to thank the startups and the hub’s partners for their commitment and involvement: BCC Innovation (the technological center in gastronomy of the Basque Culinary Center), Eugin, GO fit, Sanitas, Telefónica, SEOM, GEICO (Spanish Group for Ovarian Cancer Research), ASACO (Association of People Affected by Ovarian Cancer), and AMOH (Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Association), Dr. Ainhoa Madariaga (oncologist, Hospital 12 Octubre in Madrid), Dr. Eva Guerra (oncologist, Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid), and Sonia Garrido (nurse, Hospital 12 Octubre in Madrid); who have contributed to making e-llas a driving force for transforming cancer into hope together.

You can learn more about the e-llas innovation hub and the finalist solutions here.

For more information, contact your doctor.

NP-ES-AOU-WCNT-240014(v1) 07/2024

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